The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
The ABRSM is the world's premier pre-college music education program and offers practical exams at nine levels. Students who have completed all nine levels of pre-college training will be able to play all major and minor scales and arpeggios, scales in thirds and sixths, with different articulations, and have a broad ranging repertoire from Baroque to Modern.
For the youngest students, the first level is called Initial, and it is designed so that students become used to sitting exams with a real examiner, and Grades 6, 7 and 8 reflect what happens in a college-level music school audition. In order to proceed to Grade 6, students first must have passed Grade 5 music theory with the ABRSM, or have a recognized equivalent qualification. We recommend that students take theory exams at all levels since this will allow for a deeper musical experience and result in a better-educated and well-prepared student.
Students will learn how to sight-read, which is an essential skill for any pianist, and the broad-based repertoire will result in a well-rounded, confident and mature pianist who is ready for college-level study. A student who has been awarded a distinction at ABRSM Grade 8 Practical and Theory will almost certainly be accepted for most college programs in the USA and UK.
Alongside the stipulated ABRSM repertoire, students will be encouraged to study additional repertoire including sonata repertoire, larger scale single-movement pieces, and may have the option to study contemporary repertoire. The ABRSM also offers diplomas for those who wish to enter the teaching profession but do not wish to pursue a music degree. The DipABRSM and LRSM are professional qualifications accepted internationally and will set you apart as a teacher if you choose to open a piano studio in your locale.